If you have a safeguarding concern outside of school hours and think that a child is being abused or neglected please contact the out of office hours Southwark Council Multi Agency Safeguarding Hub (MASH) and ask for the emergency duty team. If you think a child or young person is at IMMEDIATE risk, you should treat this as an emergency and call 999 to report your concerns to the Police.

Absence from school

Parents are required to call in to the main office to inform us of any school absences and medical evidence should be provided for any absences relating to illness.

Please make contact with the school on the first morning of a child’s absence, either by phone or in a note/email sent with another parent (please bear in mind that the children
often forget to tell us or pass on messages!) It is school policy to contact parents if we have not been notified of an absence. If there are any barriers to your child/children attending school fully, please speak to Kamla or another member of the Senior Leadership Team, so we can try to help.

Children who are absent for more than 20 days in total during the school year or children whose attendance is erratic or giving us cause for concern will be referred to the Local Authority for further action.
All appointments should be made for out side of school hours, to minimise the disruption, although we appreciate at times, health services may allocate an appoint beyond your control.

Please see attached leaflet for further information about how attendance works at Oliver Goldsmith School.
Attendance leaflet

🎉 We will be having a week of FUNdraising week: Mon 10th July – 14th 2023 🪅


💰 Please get your 50ps / £1’s ready to take part in these fun activities 🥳

We are hosting a listening campaign to engage with
our school community to find out what your views are on the identify concerns and priorities about the area, and where more support is needed.


Have FREE fun for all the family this half term, as part of the Powerful Plants courses.

There will be stories, games and crafts to do as well as some gardening! 🦚

Please see flyer for booking info

Elusive Opportunities flyer

If you are a Black parent in Southwark and would like to get involved in a community initiative, please click on the link to find out more.

If you have been suffering with mould , damp and / or chronic repairs issues, join us and Peckham & Southwark Citizens for a Housing Action.


We as a school community are aware that there is an acute shortage of housing, particularly social and genuinely affordable housing and that this has led to spiraling rents and house prices across the country. Many young people and families on low to middle incomes struggle to afford to rent or buy a decent home.  As a result we will be holding a coffee morning Q & A session, with a housing representative, on Monday 27th March 2023 at the school. If you would like to attend please let Kamla or the school office know, so your place can be reserved.


Safer Internet Day 2023

‘Want to talk about it? Making space for conversations about life online’.

Make time to listen to your children today and make positive change together.

Safer Internet Day 2023 aims to answer the following questions:

  1. What issues really matter to children and young people?
  2. What changes do they want to see?
  3. How can we all work together to advocate for them moving forward?

Here are some tips from the National Online Safety for encouraging open discussions about digital lives:


A few useful links for keeping children safe online:

  • thinkuknow.co.uk – Online safety advice for parents
  • childnet.com – Excellent free resources for educators and parents/carers
  • theparentzone.co.uk – The Parent Zone
  • vodaphone.com – Resources to support parents in making the right digital choices
  • askaboutgames.com – Useful website offering answers to questions parents and players have about video games age ratings, and other tips to ensure children play safely and responsibly
  • pegi.info – Pegi website to help parents make informed decisions when buying video games

Although this holiday has commonly been called “Chinese New Year” in the West, China is not the only country to observe it. Lunar New Year, also known as the Spring Festival, is the most celebrated and longest of all Asian festivals, and is observed by millions of people around the world.

The traditional Chinese calendar is a lunisolar calendar, which means that it is based on astronomical observations of the Sun’s position in the sky and the Moon’s phases. This ancient calendar dates back to 14th century BCE (whereas the Gregorian calendar was introduced in 1582). The Chinese lunisolar calendar shares some similarities with the Hebrew calendar, which is also lunisolar, and it has influenced other East Asian calendars, such as those of Korea and Vietnam.

As with many winter solstice celebrations, the symbolic darkness of night is banished by the light of fireworks, lanterns, and candles. Man-made paper lanterns are hung by the hundreds in public areas, bringing good luck to the new year.

There are dragon dances, performances, and festival parades with music and acrobatics. The festivities continue for two weeks, finishing with a special lantern festival, which signals the end of the New Year celebration period.


The OGPS PTA will be selling Lucky Red Envelopes on Friday 27th Jan 2023, to celebrate Chinese New Year 2023.

Each envelope will have a wise proverb and a chocolate coin and 4 lucky envelopes will have £5 inside!! Each Envelope will be 50p – so try your luck and see if you get lucky!!

Wednesday 7th December 2022 marked the third annual Day of Hope in the UK, commemorating what would have been Damilola Taylor’s 33rd birthday.

Some members of Oliver Goldsmith Primary School, were honoured to be able to join this event to commemorate the kind of person Damilola was.

We look forward to working closely with the Damilola Taylor Trust campaign, which was founded to  shine a light on the positive contribution young people make in society and keep Damilola’s legacy to ‘change the world‘, alive.