We are now using the Tales Toolkit in our nursery setting. We use 4 main areas to retell the story. These include: characters/ setting/ problem and solution. This magical toolkit not only kindles the joy of storytelling but also works wonders in promoting speaking and listening skills among the children. The children eagerly wait for the props to come out and listen to the story! The Tales Toolkit isn’t just a collection of stories—it’s a great way to develop language amongst these little learners. Empowered by the toolkit, the nursery children eagerly step into the role of storytellers themselves.

This week in nursery our little explorers have been on an exciting journey through the pages of the enchanting book, “How to Catch a Star” by Oliver Jeffers. This week was filled with wonder and discovery as we delved into the world of the determined little boy who dreams of catching a star. We carried out lots of activities in class which the children were engrossed in! The children made a spaceship out of tower blocks in order to catch a star, they enjoyed making treasure boxes to put their stars in, they enjoyed playing with play-dough and creating different shapes/objects using their fine motor skills. We are so proud of our little learners. They are all shining stars in the nursery classroom!

At home you can continue their learning by asking what happened in the story, where might we see stars and role play the story by providing some easy cut up props.

Thank you for your continued support.

The Nursery Team.

Dear Parents/Carers,  

 I am very pleased to invite you to our Nativity 2023. We will be celebrating Christmas by singing lots of special songs for you.  

Please join us on: 

 Monday 18th December at 10:00am   

 If you would prefer your child not to participate, please speak with your Class Teacher. Alternative arrangements will be made for children who do not wish to join in.  

 We look forward to seeing as many of your faces as possible at our Christmas show.  


The Nursery Team


This week in nursery we explore the tale “Peace at Last”. Through interactive activities, these young nursery learners delve into the characteristics and habitats of bears, forging a connection between the fictional world of Mrs Bear and the real wonders of these creatures. Guided by their adults, the nursery children embark on a journey of discovery, blending the magic of storytelling with the joy of learning about the natural world around them.

To help your child extend this wonderful learning experience you can do a few things at home with your child: Create a story box with an old shoe box about the story, talk about what bears do, role play the story, talk to your child about the importance of sleep and going to bed early.

The nursery children having been reading the book Owl babies this week. Through interactive and age-appropriate activities, they have delved into the fascinating world of these nocturnal creatures. From story sessions that introduce the adventures of owl babies to hands-on crafts replicating owl nests, the children have learned about the unique characteristics and habits of these feathered friends. Ask your children at home a few questions about the book. What happens in the story ? What are the names of the owls ? Which owl do you like and why ?

In math’s we have been using building blocks to make objects and count how many blocks we have used. The children have really enjoyed carrying out this activity. We have been using numbers in our songs, in our play and outside when playing with our friends. Please continue to support your child with counting at home and get them involved when going out shopping!

The children are independently accessing our reading corner and enjoying retelling stories. This is amazing to see and we encourage all parents to read with your child everyday. Reading promotes the use of everyday language, vocabulary and opens up their imagination. We have been very impressed with how the children are able to sit on the carpet and listen to stories being read out by an adult. We have also been doing lots of circle times to promote good speaking and listening skills. The children are developing lots of language everyday!

Welcome to our Nursery. The children have all had a great start to the term learning about light and festivals. We have been decorating objects with patterns to learn more about the festival Diwali. The children have also really enjoyed using our book corner to read for pleasure. We welcome parents to join us every Friday at 8.50am to read with your child for 30mins. This is a wonderful opportunity for you to see how your child is getting on at school and a chance for them to use lots of language to retell stories. We are also learning to count to 10 in Maths using different natural objects such as sticks, leaves and conkers that we have picked up from outside. The children are really enjoying their physical play and love to explore outside with their friends. We would really appreciate it if you could kindly label the children’s bottles with their names and any school jumpers or t shirts. Thank you for your help and support.

The Nursery Team

Thank you to all the parents who came to support us as we performed in the Easter Bonnet Parade! We spent a long time working hard to learn the words and actions to our songs. Please enjoy some pictures from the event…

Happy Easter 2023 love from Sputnik Nursery