Welcome back to school, we hope you all had an enjoyable half term break. This half-term our topic will be ‘Here Come the Vikings’. We will learning all about how the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons invaded and settled in the UK. We will be writing a newspaper report and a narrative.
In Maths, we will be learning about fractions for the next few weeks. In Science, our topic is ‘living things and their habitats’.
This half term, Year 4 will have cricket coaching on Friday afternoons. This means that children in both classes need to bring their PE kits into school on FRIDAY.
Children will receive their Learning Across the Curriculum homework for the term at the end of this week. They choose one task each week to complete and should spend 30 minutes on this.
Maths homework for the whole term will be given at the end of each week. They should complete one box each week.
Spellings should be learnt at home. Tests are weekly on Wednesday (Pioneer) or Thursday (Hubble).
Children should be reading daily and writing a comment in their reading records. These are checked daily.
Thank you for your support at home,
The Year 4 teachers