Welcome back to school, we hope you all had an enjoyable half term break. This half-term our topic will be ‘Here Come the Vikings’. We will learning all about how the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons invaded and settled in the UK. We will be writing a newspaper report and a narrative.

The Vikings - Explore the Exciting History of the Viking Age and ...

In Maths, we will be learning about fractions for the next few weeks. In Science, our topic is ‘living things and their habitats’.



This half term, Year 4 will have cricket coaching on Friday afternoons. This means that children in both classes need to bring their PE kits into school on FRIDAY.



Children will receive their Learning Across the Curriculum homework for the term at the end of this week. They choose one task each week to complete and should spend 30 minutes on this.

Maths homework for the whole term will be given at the end of each week. They should complete one box each week.

Spellings should be learnt at home. Tests are weekly on Wednesday (Pioneer) or Thursday (Hubble).

Children should be reading daily and writing a comment in their reading records. These are checked daily.


Thank you for your support at home,

The Year 4 teachers

This week, Year 4 have been practising their cycling skills and earning certificates in their Bikeability lessons!

Family learning February 2024 (2)

This term, Year 4 are practising their programming skills using Logo. We practised inputting basic commands to make an onscreen turtle move, then we moved onto inputting a longer string of instructions to make shapes and digits.


Punctuality notice Jan 2024 1

This week, Year 4 have begun to learn how to multiply using the written column method. We used 10s and 1s place value counters to represent the calculation visually, then we used this to multiply the numbers in a formal method.


Welcome back to school everyone, we hope you have had an enjoyable break.

This half term, Year 4 will be learning about the United Kingdom. We will be looking at the geography of the UK and will be writing our own travel guides. This term we will also be visiting a Buddhist centre for an RE trip (letters will be sent out soon).

United Kingdom Map | England, Scotland, Northern Ireland, Wales30 Famous landmarks in the United Kingdom (UK) to visit8 Mountains You Should Climb in the United Kingdom - Much Better ...

This half term there will be a few changes to our weekly time table. Both Hubble and Pioneer will now have :

  • PE lessons on THURSDAY
  • Spelling tests on THURSDAY

A polite reminder that children should be wearing full uniform on PE day and should bring their PE kit in a bag to change into at school.

Maths and Spellings homework will be set on Fridays. LAC homework is set at the start of each half term.

Children should complete one Maths and one LAC each week in their books. Maths and LAC homework is due on Tuesdays.

Many thanks for your continued support,

The Year 4 teachers

As we are preparing for the festive season, we wanted to share with you our classroom doors decorated for Christmas! Hubble class have created Christmas elves and Pioneer have made a reef from their handprints.


On Wednesday 22nd November, Year 4 were lucky enough to visit The British Museum. We explored the galleries linked to our current topic (The Shang Dynasty) and then had the time to look at some of the other galleries that linked to previous topics too.