Welcome to Year 1!

This term in year 1 we will be learning about Ourselves focusing on history, D&T and computing. The children will be coming home talking about their class experiences linking to our learning.


For Maths we will focus on Place Value and Number Bonds. We are going to learn about comparing numbers so please watch the video below with your child.

Science we are learning about Animals Including Humans. We will focus on learning and labelling body parts including our senses. As scientist we will make sure to look at fair testing.

PSHE is Being in my world which links closely to our topic led learning experiences. In RE we cover a variety of different faiths and cultures.

PE is Multi-Skills on a Thursday so the children can come into school with their PE uniform underneath their jumper.

Reading and Phonics – Make sure to read with your child everyday and sign their reading records. Encourage your child to segment (break up) words into their sound parts and blend them (push them back together) to read the whole word. Make it fun – Enjoy reading together. Give characters funny voices and engage with the pictures. Make a game out of finding words that rhyme or start with the same sound. Year-1-reading-with-your-child-parent-advice

Meet the Teacher PowerPoint is available below.

meet the teacher presentation sept 2022

Thank You

Year 1 Team