Hello Sunshine 😀

It was a pleasure to see you all at our Year 1 workshare assembly 😀 what an amazing turn-out that was!

Our topic this term is Now and Then followed by Island Life. We have looked at Victorian era including inventions and focused on Queen Victoria. For Island Life we are learning the song by Bob Marley called ‘three little birds’ and focusing on Jamaica. In Maths we are learning about Fractions, Geometry (position and direction), Place Value up to 100, Money and Time.

In Science we have focused on Materials and Plants. Our PSHE focus is Relationships and Changing Me. In RE we looked at Sikhism and belonging focusing on family and friends.

Phonics Screening test is commencing on 12th June 2023 and we will start our test on this week.

Please make sure to watch the video below and practice with your child.

Phonics learning links to use at home:








Thank you for your continued support this year.

Year 1 team

Topic – this term is based on Queen Elizabeth II – we will focus on History, Geography, Computing and Design and Technology.

Please look at the homework overview on what you can work on that is linked to our topic. We have amazing ideas ready for you. Homework is due back on a Monday every week.

Maths –  we are continuing to work on addition and focus more on subtraction over the next few weeks.

Science – we are learning about Animals including Humans. Our main focus will be the human body and the five different senses

RE –  we are going to focus on Hinduism and our big question is What is means to be a Hindu.

PSHE – we are going to learn about Dreams and Goals and would like to focus on ourselves.

Please continue to read with your child everyday and sign their reading records. Make sure to read the E-books online and sign your reading record with the name of the book and the date.

Thank you for attending our class workshare assembly. It was lovely to see so many of parents/carers. We hope you enjoyed it.

Thank you for your continued support.

Year 1 Team

This term in year 1 we will be learning about Ourselves focusing on history, D&T and computing. The children will be coming home talking about their class experiences linking to our learning.


For Maths we will focus on Place Value and Number Bonds. We are going to learn about comparing numbers so please watch the video below with your child.

Science we are learning about Animals Including Humans. We will focus on learning and labelling body parts including our senses. As scientist we will make sure to look at fair testing.

PSHE is Being in my world which links closely to our topic led learning experiences. In RE we cover a variety of different faiths and cultures.

PE is Multi-Skills on a Thursday so the children can come into school with their PE uniform underneath their jumper.

Reading and Phonics – Make sure to read with your child everyday and sign their reading records. Encourage your child to segment (break up) words into their sound parts and blend them (push them back together) to read the whole word. Make it fun – Enjoy reading together. Give characters funny voices and engage with the pictures. Make a game out of finding words that rhyme or start with the same sound. Year-1-reading-with-your-child-parent-advice

Meet the Teacher PowerPoint is available below.

meet the teacher presentation sept 2022

Thank You

Year 1 Team

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have been very busy this term learning about Queen Elizabeth II and a journey Into The Woods. The children have thoroughly enjoyed both topics immensely and had great fun.

Our Topic focus books this term are:

  • Skip through the seasons by Stella Blackstone.
  • Hansel and Gretel by Josephine Collins
  • Hansel and Gretel by Anthony Browne

Have a look at the Hansel and Gretel song:


For Art we made sure to look at the famous artist called Henri Matisse and made our own version of the snail from 1952 -1953.

Science – we continued Animals Including Humans and worked on our understanding of Carnivore, Herbivores and Omnivores.

Our Maths focus for this term has been Measurement:

  • Length and Height
  • Weight and Mass
  • Capacity and Volume

PSHE – We have learnt about keeping healthy and safe. Our topic was called Healthy Me.

RE – We revisited Christianity and focused on what is means to belong.

We have celebrated World Book Day and focused on the book called Flotsom  by David Wiesner.

As time is flying by we wanted to remind the year 1 Parents and Carers about the Phonics screening check coming in June. The children will be assessed for their reading and their phonetical awareness. Please read the attached link to help you understand what is expected of your child and let us know if you need any more support with this.


Please continue to read with your child everyday and sign their reading records.

Phonics learning links to use at home:








Looking forward to seeing you at our Parents Evening to discuss your child’s targets.

Year 1 Team

Dear Parents and Carers,

This week is assessment week so please discuss with your child what is means as it is all based on what they have been learning at school.

We will focus on Maths, Phonics, Reading and Writing across the curriculum.

Well done to all the parents who have read with their child and signed their reading records as there has been improvement.

Please ensure your child’s books and reading records stay inside their book bags daily as we also read with them at school.

Competition reminder for years 1 to 6: Make sure you check the letters that were previously in their book bag. Also look at your year groups door entry for the notice.

Pyjama day is this Friday and we are looking forward to it.

Thank you

Year 1 Team

We are very happy to say welcome to year 1 for the Autumn 2 term!

Topicthis term is based on Ourselves – we will focus on history and Design and Technology.

Please look at the homework overview on what you can work on that is linked to our topic. We have amazing ideas ready for you.

Maths –  we are continuing to work on addition and focus more on subtraction over the next few weeks.

Sciencewe are learning about Animals including Humans. Our main focus will be the human body and the five different senses

RE –  we are going to focus on how Christians celebrate Christmas. Our big question for you and your child is What does it mean to belong?

PSHEwe are going to learn about celebrating differences and celebrate the Anti bullying week. This year the Anti-bullying theme is One Kind Word so please focus on using kind words.

PEWe will learn Gymnastics that is set for year 1 ability. The social skill linked to this half term is I can help and play with others and take turns.

Please continue to read with your child everyday and sign their reading records. Homework is given out on every Friday and needs to be returned by every Tuesday.

Thank you for your continued support.

Year 1 Team

Dear Parents and Carers,

Once again thank you for your continued support for this term.

We have our Parent’s Evening on Tuesday 19th October and we are looking forward to seeing you all. We will discuss their individual targets with you.

Please see the links below to help your child’s learning.

Learning Links:

Science – Seasons songSeasons Song – YouTube

Maths – Jack Hartman Number Bonds song

I Know My Number Bonds 10 | Number Bonds to 10 | Addition Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann – YouTube

I Know My Number Bonds 5 | Number Bonds to 5 | Addition Song for Kids | Jack Hartmann – YouTube


Phonics – Learn to Read | Three Letter Words | Alphablocks – YouTube

Phonics – Learn to Read | Four Letter Words! | Alphablocks – YouTube

WritingThe Sentence Song | English Songs | Scratch Garden – YouTube

PSHE story about sharing🐟 Kids Book Read Aloud: THE RAINBOW FISH by Marcus Pfister – YouTube

RE Story about HinduismGlobal Wonders: “Raksha Bandhan” – YouTube

We hope you will have a lovely half term week and please have a look at the suggestions of the things you could do with your child.

Peckham Library – Reading for pleasure.

Horniman Museum – https://www.horniman.ac.uk/

Science Museum – https://www.sciencemuseum.org.uk/

Local Parks


Looking forward to seeing you after the half term starting on Monday 1st of November 2021.


Year 1 Team.



Hi Parents and Carers,

Hope this blog finds you all safe and well.

In Science, we have been investigating the best environment for a bean / plant to grow. Please ask your child to tell you about our experiments.


In Topic … We have started to use the well-known tale – Handa’s Surprise.

We have looked at the animals and fruits within the story. We are beginning to teach the children to use … describing words (Adjectives)

For example:

The pineapple is juicy and yellow.

The Zebra is black and white.


In Maths … We have been comparing numbers.

We have been using the vocabulary … ‘greater than’ – ‘less than’ and ‘equal to’

Please find the song that we have been using attached below.




Some reminders…

Please read with your child and sign the reading record book every time you read.

(Please read every day! This will help them to become more confident readers!)

Make sure that your child’s clothing is clearly labelled.

Homework needs to be completed every week and returned before Tuesday of each coming week.


Have a good week!

The Year 1 Team.

Dear Parents and Carers,

We wanted you to know that the children have had a fantastic start to year 1 and hope that they have started to share their wonderful learning with you.

Year 1 PE lesson is on Tuesday so the children can come in wearing their PE kits. It is important that they have their PE kit as PE is a curriculum requirement.

Your child will have 2 Phonics and 1 banded reading book every week so please read with your child (everyday) and sign in their reading records for us to check as well.

Have a look at the Phonic 2 and 3 tricky words link below to help your child remember them.


Phonic phase 2 – Tricky Words and Sight Words Song – YouTube


Phonic phase 3Phase 3 Tricky Words Song Say Hello To – YouTube


Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately according to the weather.


Thank you for your continued support!

Year 1 Team