Hello Sunshine 😀
It was a pleasure to see you all at our Year 1 workshare assembly 😀 what an amazing turn-out that was!
Our topic this term is Now and Then followed by Island Life. We have looked at Victorian era including inventions and focused on Queen Victoria. For Island Life we are learning the song by Bob Marley called ‘three little birds’ and focusing on Jamaica. In Maths we are learning about Fractions, Geometry (position and direction), Place Value up to 100, Money and Time.
In Science we have focused on Materials and Plants. Our PSHE focus is Relationships and Changing Me. In RE we looked at Sikhism and belonging focusing on family and friends.
Phonics Screening test is commencing on 12th June 2023 and we will start our test on this week.
Please make sure to watch the video below and practice with your child.
Phonics learning links to use at home:
Thank you for your continued support this year.
Year 1 team