Welcome back to a new school year and a new class! We have been very busy this week getting to know each other, as well as familiarising ourselves with the routines that will help us face the challenges of the year ahead . Some exciting lessons have been planned across the curriculum this term and near the end of the term we will be going on a very exciting science trip.


Learning Across the Curriculum

This term we will be travelling to east Africa to learn about the physical and human features of Kenya. We have already made a brilliant start to our learning journey by creating our own Kenyan necklaces and drawing some breath-taking pictures of the Kenyan savannahs. Our writing outcomes for this term will include a piece of information text about Kenya and a narrative set in Kenya.


In Maths, we will be building on our knowledge of place value to begin to recognise the place value of numbers up to 1,000. This knowledge will support our learning in other maths units throughout the year and help us to develop new strategies for adding and subtracting larger numbers.

For Science, we will be learning about the function of plants and why flowers are so important in the reproduction process. As part of this unit of learning, we will visit the South London Botanical Institute on Tuesday 15th October to take a closer look at the function of each part of a flowering plants.

Weekly Routines
Please remember that reading records should be signed every day and that books are changed on Tuesday and Thursday. If a child’s reading record is signed every day,  they may be selected by their teacher to receive a reading award during our weekly reading assembly.

Our P.E. lesson is every Monday and children are expected to arrive at school in their full school uniform and change for P.E. once at school.

Below is a copy of the curriculum homework for this term.

Curriculum homework- Kenya

Meet the Teacher
For those of you who were unable to attend our Meeting the Teacher open classroom, below is a copy of the power point of the key information shared.

Meet the teacher presentation Sept 2024

Finally, we would like to say, that we look forward to working in partnership with you in support of your child’s learning.

Year 3 Team

Welcome to the summer term! 

We’re stepping through the ages all the way back to ancient Egypt and learning all about this civilisation that developed along the banks of River Nile. We will learn about pharaohs,  pyramids, temples, mummies, gods and goddesses, hieroglyphic writing and much more


We had a go at mummifying some tomatoes to help us understand how the ancient Egyptians prepared mummies for the afterlife.

Summer 2 homework: Curriculum homework- Tomb Raiders

We are looking forward to our upcoming trip to the British Museum and as always, sharing this experience with some of the parents/carers who join us.

Last Thursday, we enjoyed a lovely day out to the National Portrait Gallery located by Trafalgar Square. As we’ve been learning all about the Tudors in history, this was a perfect opportunity to have a closer look at some of the significant individuals from this period.

We have especially enjoyed getting to know more about King Henry VIII. We took some time to study one of his portraits by Hans Holbein the Younger, a German artist. We studied Henry VIII’s pose in the portrait. He stood with his feet wide apart and planted firmly on the ground. This was a powerful pose to reflect his status as the king. His clothing also reflected his wealth as did many portraits commissioned in the past.

Here we are taking a learning walk through the gallery, reading the information by the portraits, sketching the portrait of Henry VIII and extending our knowledge of the Tudor period in Britain.

We would like to thank the wonderful parents who came along to support us on this trip. It was a pleasure having you joining our learning for the day.

Here are some of the sketches of Henry VIII we drew at the gallery. We aimed to capture his pose and posture, as well as his clothes.


As part of art this term, we focused on portraits. This was linked to our history as we studied portraits of famous Tudor monarchs. We looked closely at elements of portraits such as objects, expression, clothing and pose, and then explored how the portraits communicate mood, feelings and ideas.

Following our class trip to the National Portrait Gallery, we had a go at drawing self portraits in different poses. Have a look as some of our portraits here:




Welcome back to spring term 2. We have some exciting events to look forward to this half term and the children are really excited  about them. We are  we are particularly excited in year 3 because we have started to learn to play the ukelele. All children in year 3 will have weekly lessons for ten weeks.






This half term we will be focusing on the Tudors as our history topic.  So far, the children have learned about how the Tudor period began, through learning about the War of the Roses and the impact they have on our lives today.  As part of this topic, we will be visiting the National Portrait Gallery to look at portraits of the Tudor Monarchs. Look out for the pictures next week.


In writing, children will learn write letters using the  Tudor period as a  context and a recount of the British Navy’s battle with the Spanish Armada .


We will be learning about fractions and measurement. Much of the learning for the spring term closely links to your child’s knowledge and understanding of their multiplication and division facts, so it is important that you ensure that your child practices his or her times table at home.


P.E. will now take place every Wednesday this half term.  Please ensure that your child has their full P.E. kit on that day.


For science this half term, we will be learning about the function of the human skeleton and muscles.  They will also learn about the function of plants and the different ways they disperse their seeds.  Maybe you could support your child by asking them how the acronym SPaM is used to help them remember the function of the skeleton.


Finally, I would like to remind you about reading.  Children’s books are changed every Tuesday and Friday.  Please could you ensure that your child reads every day and that their reading records are signed. Thank you to all of you who have chosen to do this regularly.


Family Learning Activities over the half-term


Family learning February 2024 (2)

All the children have settled in incredibly well and we have had a great few weeks back. We have some exciting topics this half term and the children are really excited  about them.


We will be learning about the physical and some of the human features of Asia.  Over the weeks, the children have practised using atlases to locating some of Asia’s more well known physical features and learning incredible facts about them.  Why not test your child on what they have learnt so far.


In writing, children will be writing traditional tales which have been told in Asia and a persuasive brochure about Asia.  Look out for some of the finished brochures in our blog later this term.  Hopefully after reading them they may persuade you to visit this incredible continent.


We will be learning about multiplication and division fact  and using them to help them multiply and divide two digit number by one digit numbers beyond 12.  It is very important that you continue to encourage your children to practise their addition and subtraction fact to 20 as well as their 5, 10, 2 in addition to their new learning.


P.E. will now take place every Tuesday.  Please ensure that your child has their full P.E. kit on that day.


For science this half term, we have been learning about the importance of light, how shadows are formed and the importance of sun safety.  As part of this unit we will be investigating patterns related to the size and shape of shadows.


Finally, a quick reminder about reading.  Children’s books are changed every Tuesday and Friday.  Please could you ensure that your child reads every day and that their reading records are signed.