Every minute counts!

Registration and Punctuality

Frequent lateness to school is associated with lower grades & lower levels of achievement. Research shows that children who are routinely late are more likely to struggle in secondary school.

When children arrive late it creates a huge disruption for other children’s learning, the teacher and for the child who is late themselves.

Oliver Goldsmith School recognises the importance of education and learning and therefore our gates are opened at 8:40am, allowing the children (KS1 & KS2) to walk straight to their classrooms.

All children should be in their classrooms by no later than 8:50am, so that when the school gates are closed and registers taken, all children will be in class ready for learning.

Morning registration ends at 9am, so if a pupil arrives after this time he/she should be accompanied by the parent to the main reception, where they will be recorded as late, parent requested to sign the pupil in and the time of arrival noted. Any pupil arriving after 9:30am will become an unauthorised absence and marked as an absentee for the whole of the morning session (as per the Pupils Registration & Attendance legislation).

It is essential that children arriving outside the normal school hours are signed in at the school office. This is used in the case of an emergency or a fire drill.

Please note the school day ends at 3:15pm for all children. Please be prompt when collecting your children from school.

Southwark Council’s Education Inclusion Team will be informed of any frequently late arrivals or collections.


Don’t be Late Through the Gate! School starts at 8.45 am
Being late on a regular basis adds up to a loss of learning time.
5 mins late every day 3.4 days of learning lost every year
10 mins late every day 6.9 days of learning lost every year
15 mins late every day 10.3 days of learning lost every year
20 mins late every day 13.8 days of learning lost every year
30 mins late every day 20.7 days of learning lost every day