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Absence from school

Parents are required to call in to the main office to inform us of any school absences and medical evidence should be provided for any absences relating to illness.

Please make contact with the school on the first morning of a child’s absence, either by phone or in a note/email sent with another parent (please bear in mind that the children
often forget to tell us or pass on messages!) It is school policy to contact parents if we have not been notified of an absence. If there are any barriers to your child/children attending school fully, please speak to Kamla or another member of the Senior Leadership Team, so we can try to help.

Children who are absent for more than 20 days in total during the school year or children whose attendance is erratic or giving us cause for concern will be referred to the Local Authority for further action.
All appointments should be made for out side of school hours, to minimise the disruption, although we appreciate at times, health services may allocate an appoint beyond your control.

Please see attached leaflet for further information about how attendance works at Oliver Goldsmith School.
Attendance leaflet