Welcome to Year 3

The children have settled in really well.

Here are our routines and key dates to put in your diary:

  • P.E. Days — Mondays (Orion class)    Fridays (Columbia class)
  • Homework out on Fridays and back in on Tuesdays
  • Reading Books will be changed on Tuesdays and Thursdays.
  • Trip to the London Zoo – Thursday 21st September


Remember to read with your child daily and sign their reading records. Let us know how well your child read and whether they enjoyed the book. Inside the reading records are a set of questions to support their understanding.


Children are expected to be in their P.E. kits with the appropriate footwear (trainers/plimsolls).


Every Friday, your child will be given a maths homework which is aimed at reinforcing the learning that’s taken place that week. They will also be given a set of spelling words from the year 3 statutory spellings to practise in readiness for a test the following week.

Please find attached the curriculum homework which is a set of activities you can complete with your child across the term. This is based on our current topic of Kenya. Kindly assist your child with these but please do not complete it for them.

Curriculum homework- Kenya

Learning Across the Curriculum topic

This term, we are learning all about the geography of Kenya including the physical and human features, the climate, and similarities and differences between the UK and Kenya. The children will be using atlases and maps to locate different places in Kenya.

Knowledge Organiser Kenya

In Art,  we will be looking at the work of David Kibuuka to have understanding of the process of Batik. We will study a range of Kenyan patterns and use Batik inspired technique to create a design on fabric.