Year 3 Autumn 2

Topic and Writing Outcomes

This half term we will be travelling back in time to  the Stone Age, Bronze Age and Iron Age to learn about life before written history.  We will find out the difference between primary and secondary sources of historical evidence and understand why one is more reliable than the other.

We have already made a great start to our learning during our immersion afternoon.  We had great fun making our own den art and  Stone Age tools.  We even tried our hand at excavating artefacts from our excavation trays.  At the end of this topic, we will be designing, making and evaluating our own prehistoric jewellery.

In our writing outcomes for this  topic, we will  be writing a non chronological report and a narrative about life during that period.


In Maths, we will be adding and subtracting 3-digit numbers.  This will  build on the learning from  year 2, so to  be successful in this unit,  children will need to be secure in their knowledge of place value and addition and subtraction facts for numbers up to 20.


In Science, we will be finding out about forces, friction and magnetic forces in particular.  As part of this unit, we will be conducting fair tests to investigate how forces act upon everyday objects.

Things to Remember

Books are changed every Tuesday and Thursday.  Children must attempt three of the questions at the front of their reading record per week.  For the autumn term, adults are expected to sign reading records every day.

P.E. is every Monday (Orion) and Friday (Columbia).  On those days children are expected to bring their full P.E. Kits.