Entries by Claire Hoadley

World Mental Health Day

On the 10th October, Oliver Goldsmith celebrated World Mental Health Day. We all wore yellow to raise money for mental health awareness and we shared a mindful breakfast as a class, where we had a chance to chat with our friends and enjoy each other’s company. Later in the day, we continued our learning about […]

Learning about the Romans

Over the last few weeks Year 4 have been learning all about how the Romans lived, the Roman invasion of Britain and Boudica’s rebellion against the Romans. Here are some photos of their learning (including creating freeze frames, making time lines of key events and using secondary sources to discuss how Britain changed over time).

Summer 1

This half term, our topic is Saving Planet Earth. We will be learning about how our world is changing due to factors such as global warming, deforestation, burning of fossil fuels and plastic pollution. We will also be learning about climate change activists and the ways in which we can combat environmental damage and help […]

Exploring endangered habitats in Science

Our topic this term in Science has been ‘living things and habitats’. This week, Year 4 spent time working in groups to research three habitats which are greatly effected by global warming – the ocean, the rainforest and Antarctica. After researching these habitats using the iPads, we answered questions about climate change and its impact […]

Welcome back to Spring 2

Welcome back to school, we hope you all had an enjoyable half term break. This half-term our topic will be ‘Here Come the Vikings’. We will learning all about how the Vikings and Anglo-Saxons invaded and settled in the UK. We will be writing a newspaper report and a narrative. In Maths, we will be […]


This week, Year 4 have been practising their cycling skills and earning certificates in their Bikeability lessons!

Coding in Computing lessons

This term, Year 4 are practising their programming skills using Logo. We practised inputting basic commands to make an onscreen turtle move, then we moved onto inputting a longer string of instructions to make shapes and digits.