Entries by Kamla Tirvengadum

When Mr Mandela came to Town

A big thank you to Kemi Bamgbose who came to our celebration of Black Culture Evening and shared a chapter of her book with us. It was so interesting hearing her experiences and inspiration for writing the book.  We look forward to working more with Kemi in the coming year. If you would like to […]

Remembering Damilola Taylor

Saturday 27th November 2021, marks the 21st anniversary of the tragic death of Damilola Taylor.  We at Oliver Goldsmith School will always remember this young boy and the way in which he has shaped our community. Just one week before he died, Damilola wrote of his hope to one day save the world. Please check […]


The internet can be a place for children and young people to learn, spend time with friends, and have fun.  As parents, we generally do everything we can to keep our children safe, like being careful when crossing a road and always wearing a helmet when cycling. But what can we do to protect them […]

Punctuality Counts!

 Being late for school can have a serious impact on a child’s learning! Don’t be Late Through the Gate! School starts at 8.45 am Being late on a regular basis adds up to a loss of learning time. 5 mins late every day 3.4 days of learning lost every year 10 mins late every day […]