Entries by Shazeda Begum

Our first day in Nursery

It has been so lovely to have the new nursery children join our school this September. We are excited and so happy to welcome them in and support their learning through play, singing, carpet sessions, indoor and outdoor activities. The children will be using this term to enhance their speaking/listening skills, turn taking and of […]

Attendance matters!

Please have a look at this important flyer below. A polite reminder that our Nursery opens every morning at 8.45am and finishes at 3pm. Attendance leaflet 1

Welcome to Nursery

Welcome to the Nursery Blog We hope you had a wonderful summer! This is where we will be putting information, links for learning websites and photos of what your children have been doing in school. Check back here each week for updates From the Nursery team

Goodbye from Nursery!

It has been a fab year in Nursery! We have been busy making friends and developing our speaking and listening skills. We have had so much fun playing indoors, outdoors and exploring in our garden. The children have loved playing with playdough, making things out of junk modelling and messy play! Recently, we had a […]

End of term class party on Tuesday 16th July @1.30pm

Please can you kindly contribute the following items, as we celebrate end of summer term with the children. The children can wear their own clothes. The party will be on Tuesday 16th July @1.30pm where we will have nibbles, games and a dance. Paper plates Crisps Squash or Juice (Cartons only please) Biscuits Cakes /cupcakes (separate/individual) […]

Meet the teacher day – 3rd July 2024

The children will be meeting their new class teacher this Wednesday @10.30am where they will spend one hour in their new classroom. This is an exciting opportunity for the children to get to know more about their new teachers and find out what their new classroom will look like. Thank you, EYFS Team

Sun’s out

While the weather is hot can I please remind parents to dress your child in appropriate clothing. No tights, jumpers or cardigans please. The children can bring in a sun hat into school and please ensure that they come into school with SPF sun cream applied at home. Please ensure they bring in a water […]

Diversity day coming up 5th July

Dear Parents, Next week on Friday 5th July the children will be taking part in diversity day. Your child can wear their own clothes and show off their individuality. We will also have a picnic outside and the children can bring in their own snacks, traditional food and drinks. Thank you, The Nursery Team