This half term we have been learning all about our Planet and the solar system.
The children have been fascinated to learn about astronauts, planets, stars and our wonderful planet; Earth!
We have also learned about how precious our planet is and how we can take care of it by recycling, reducing waste and reusing things. Please sned in any recycling boxes and containers that you don’t need so we can reuse them in school.
Next week we will be making musical instruments and castles out of junk modelling.

Next week we will teach the children all about the Queen. At the end of the week we are looking forward to having our own Jubilee celebration in the playground. Children will come in their own clothes on Friday and we would appreciate any food/drink contributions for the party.

Hi Year 6,

Well done for your hard work this week.

Use the poster below to help you with your knowledge of contractions.

Good luck!

Year 6,

Use the posters below to help you learn personal and possessive pronouns

Possessive Pronouns

Personal Pronouns

Hi Year 6,

Use the attached poster to help you memorise common determiners.

Hey Year 6,

Well done for working so hard this week. Have a look at the two posters below to help you with your revision of angles and remembering possessive pronouns.

Can you come up with a way to remember the names of different types of angles?

Remember, possessive pronouns are used to show who owns, or can be linked to, an item. It is their possession.

Have a great weekend!

Hey Year 6,

Use the attached Verb Tenses poster to help you learn/remember the difference between verb tenses.

What patterns can you spot? How can you help yourself remember the differences? Could you create a mnemonic or acronym?


Good luck!


Year 2 went on a trip to visit London Landmarks. We took the 343 bus and visited the Shard. It was taller than most of us expected! We then walked over London Bridge and saw the Monument for the Great Fire of London. We really loved seeing the landscapes we learnt so much about! We then trodded to the Tower of London which ‘looked like a huge castle’. Finally, we crossed Tower Bridge, looked out across the Thames and got on a bus back to school. It was an eye-opening adventure. Now, we are going to write all about it…




In Year 2 we have been writing about Brazil and their human/physical features. Take a look at our amazing work!

Dear Parents and Carers,

We have been very busy this term learning about Queen Elizabeth II and a journey Into The Woods. The children have thoroughly enjoyed both topics immensely and had great fun.

Our Topic focus books this term are:

  • Skip through the seasons by Stella Blackstone.
  • Hansel and Gretel by Josephine Collins
  • Hansel and Gretel by Anthony Browne

Have a look at the Hansel and Gretel song:

For Art we made sure to look at the famous artist called Henri Matisse and made our own version of the snail from 1952 -1953.

Science – we continued Animals Including Humans and worked on our understanding of Carnivore, Herbivores and Omnivores.

Our Maths focus for this term has been Measurement:

  • Length and Height
  • Weight and Mass
  • Capacity and Volume

PSHE – We have learnt about keeping healthy and safe. Our topic was called Healthy Me.

RE – We revisited Christianity and focused on what is means to belong.

We have celebrated World Book Day and focused on the book called Flotsom  by David Wiesner.

As time is flying by we wanted to remind the year 1 Parents and Carers about the Phonics screening check coming in June. The children will be assessed for their reading and their phonetical awareness. Please read the attached link to help you understand what is expected of your child and let us know if you need any more support with this. 

Please continue to read with your child everyday and sign their reading records.

Phonics learning links to use at home:

Looking forward to seeing you at our Parents Evening to discuss your child’s targets.

Year 1 Team

We have been making some beautiful Easter hats and singing some Easter songs in the Early Years. We would love you to come and enjoy our Easter Bonnet Parade on the last day of Term – Friday 1st April at 1.30pm.
See you then!