We have started off Autumn 2 with lots of exciting learning – The Shang Dynasty in History, Sound in Science, Celebrating Differences in PSHE and more!

Maths- Addition and Subtraction

We have been adding and subtracting numbers with up to four digits using the formal written methods of columnar addition and subtraction where appropriate.
We will soon be working on solving addition and subtraction two-step problems in contexts, deciding which operations and methods to use and why.

Have a go at some of these questions with your children and discuss how to solve them.

Learning Across the Curriculum – The Shang Dynasty

Find out all about this ancient Chinese civilisation here:


Our knowledge organiser on the Shang Dynasty gives you some information about the content of our history lessons.


Building on knowledge gained in year 3 about the continent of Asia,  children will learn that the Shang civilisation is one of the earliest dynasties of Chinese history supported by archaeological evidence. They will place dates on a timeline using the vocabulary A.D. and B.C.E. and extend their understanding of concepts like cause, significance, similarities and differences.

We will be answering questions like:

  • How do we know about the Shang Dynasty?
  • What was life like during the Shang period?
  • Why did the Shang people believe in the afterlife?
  • Which is more reliable – archaeological evidence or history books?

Here is the curriculum homework for this term.  Curriculum homework

Please speak to one of the teachers in year 4 if you’re unsure about any part or how to support your child with it.