
This week the children are learning the sounds /m/  /d/  /g/
Can you find objects at home that start with those letter sounds?
Can you play eye spy with your child?
Please read the phonics book your child has in their book bag every day to help them learn to read.
Thank you for your help
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask
Kind regards
Mrs Naylor and Mr Crick

Just a quick message from the year 4 team to say that it has been an absolute pleasure these last few weeks getting to know the children and we look forward to the rest of the year!

A little reminder that P.E. days for Pioneer are Fridays and for Hubble are Wednesdays, and that both classes have spelling tests on Wednesdays.

Here’s a brief outline of what year 4 are learning this term:

Maths: Focusing on Number and Place Value. Children are learning to represent numbers to 10,000 including being able to recognise the value of each digit according to their position in the number. We have also been focusing on learning our times tables and we have been practising our 5 and 10 times tables.

Reading: This term we will be introducing the children to all the essential reading skills needed in Destination Reader. We  have been reading a book called The Queen of Darkness by Tony Bradman which the children are thoroughly enjoying so far.

Learning Across the Curriculum: The children have been learning all about the Roman Empire and the invasion of Britain. It has been great to see the children so engaged and this is represented in their homework as well. What great shields have been created! 😀

Science: ELECTRICITY! This term we are focusing on electricity and will be constructing a simple series electrical circuit to further our knowledge and use scientific evidence to answer questions or to support out findings.

Curriculum homework- Romans

Attached is the topic homework that the children are expected to complete once a week. Please remind them to do so.

We look forward to updating you on the children’s learning soon!

Thank you.

Year 4 team 🙂



Dear Parents and Carers,

We wanted you to know that the children have had a fantastic start to year 1 and hope that they have started to share their wonderful learning with you.

Year 1 PE lesson is on Tuesday so the children can come in wearing their PE kits. It is important that they have their PE kit as PE is a curriculum requirement.

Your child will have 2 Phonics and 1 banded reading book every week so please read with your child (everyday) and sign in their reading records for us to check as well.

Have a look at the Phonic 2 and 3 tricky words link below to help your child remember them.


Phonic phase 2 – Tricky Words and Sight Words Song – YouTube


Phonic phase 3Phase 3 Tricky Words Song Say Hello To – YouTube


Please make sure your child is dressed appropriately according to the weather.


Thank you for your continued support!

Year 1 Team



Hello all,


In Topic, Year 2 have been learning all about the places in the UK. We had fun using directional language to guide us from the classroom to the playground. We even used a compass on the iPad! Have a look!


Hello Year 5.

In order to reduce use of paper we thought we could try putting the Maths homework on the blog. Children can then do the questions in their Maths yellow book.



Have a lovely weekend


Year 5 team.

Welcome to Reception!  The children have settled into school very well.  We are excited to start their learning journey with them.

This week the children have started learning their first sounds in phonics.  They are learning the sounds for the letters s, a, and t. Play eye spy with them – looking for things that start with those letters.  Practice writing the letters with them too.

Reading books are changed weekly.  Make sure you read to your child every night.  As they learn their sounds they will gradually be able to blend the sounds together to read their decodable phonics books.  We send three books home each week.  One is decodable for them to try and read to you, one is a simple banded book for you to read to them.  And one if a book they have chosen from our book corner for you to enjoy together.  Reading and talking about books will expand your child’s vocabulary and help them with their language and comprehension.

Maths: This week we have been learning about making repeating patterns and counting.

Topic:  Our topic is Family and friends.  You will get a letter asking you to make a heritage box and bring it into school.  This will be the homework project for the next two weeks.  We look forward to seeing them and finding out about all the new families.

If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask any other the team working the Reception

Mrs Naylor (Voyager teacher)

Ms Blantern (Voyager Early Years Educator)

Mr Crick (Gemini teacher)

Ms Thomas (Gemini Early Years Educator)

Hello all!

Well done for getting through a warm and wonderful first week back! It has been great to see everyone again along with some new additions to our classes. We hope everyone settled in well and feels pleased to be back.

This week, we have been using our time to get to know the children and begin to introduce the new topic (Kenya) for this half term, along with Destination Reader which is a new concept for children starting KS2.

It was a pleasure to meet so many of you at the Meet the Teacher talks on Friday – we hope you found this useful. To follow up from this, we have attached the presentation to this blog for you to read. We would appreciate if you can all connect with us on Class Dojo as this is a good way for us to communicate throughout the year. If yo have any more questions from the session, feel free to contact us this way.

Have a great weekend, get some rest and we will see you all Monday!

Mr Ward and Mrs Campbell-Whitfield

Meet the teacher presentation Year 3 2021

Please find the slides for the Meet the teacher presentation.

Main important details:

-P.E times is Thursdays. Please come with P.E kit on.

– Book change is on Tuesday

– Homework is given out on Friday and should be brought in on Tuesday.


meet the teacher presentation Miss Silvan

Hello all!

On Friday 10th September we welcome all adults to meet their class teacher. You may come at 9:15am or 3:30pm. Attached are the slides.


Meet the teacher presentation 2021

We are excited and looking forward to meeting you all on Monday 6th September 2021.

This term in year 1 we will be learning about Amazing Africa focusing on geographical facts about Nigeria. For Maths we will focus on Place Value and number bonds and in Science we will learn about Plants. We will continue to post more information each week.

Miss Ellery – Aura  Class Teacher

Ms Bas – Opportunity Class Teacher

Ms Perry and Mrs Harlow – Year 1 LSA’s