The second part of music reading is the music alphabet, which you can learn by watching this animated video


Learn to read rhythm with this lesson by Sing Education



The Alan is an African music teacher, who was a brilliant Youtube channel where he teaches about African music history and culture, instruments and rhythms.





You may know him for his famous tune “Don’t worry, be happy”. In this short but very interesting clip, he uses the audience (and you can join with the sining!) for a powerful demonstration of the pentatonic (a music scale with 5 notes per octave).



Musical research and activities.

SLP2- Samuel Coleridge-Taylor

A music activity for you to look at in the afternoons.

SLP1 -Vivaldi

This is a short clip by the BBC that explains the story of music and includes some fun facts.


This is a fun song to dance to that incorporates the names and actions of instruments.

Lindsey is an American music educator who has uploaded full music classes on her Youtube Channel click the link to join in.