Please click here to access the newsletter for November.

Please see this week’s homework below in the link. Please copy and complete the questions in your LAtC book. This homework is due in Monday 14th November.

Full stops and capital letters

Best presentation please.

Have a great weekend,

Miss M

Please click here to access the newsletter for October 2022.

Today, in Challenger, we continued to learn about the Blitz and analysed Hitler’s Blitzkrieg tactic. Could you write a non-chronological report about the Blitz? Could you practise writing a newspaper report in advance of us writing one in class?

Tomorrow, in maths, we will continue to learn about negative numbers and then we will move on to column addition and subtraction. Please do use the websites/other resources that you have at home to get a head start with these areas before we learn them further in class.


One of the most important skills that your child needs to master is learning to read.

Reading to and with your child every day for just 10 minutes will have an enormous impact on their learning.

Our school uses Little Wandle Letters and Sounds phonics programme to teach early reading.

Click on the links below to access some useful guides

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Dear Challenger,

It was great to see so many of you at Parents’ Meetings this week, and it’s great to hear that all of you are keen to do extra learning at home to help improve your progress. Please see some great websites below that will provide you with materials across the key subjects: English Grammar, Spelling, Maths and Reading.

  1. Oak Academy This website is great for all subjects. Be sure to click on the necessary subject links to access the materials.
  2. BBC Bitesize : BBC is another great resource to learn in all of the key subjects.
  3. Khan Academy on YouTube: Khan Academy is a great YouTube channel to help teach you the different concepts that we learn in maths. You will just need to type the area of maths into YouTube alongside Khan Academy, and find the video e.g. rounding Khan Academy.

Lastly, I am pleased to share that Invicta Academy are offering FREE online classes over the October Half Term. Please click on the link below to book your place if you wish to attend (remember, we are Upper Key Stage 2).

FREE Half Term Online Classes

Be sure to get a good balance between some hours of study and downtime a day.

I look forward to seeing you on Monday 31st October. Please remember to bring in your homework!

Happy holidays,

Miss Maitland


The cost of living is the amount of money needed to cover basic expenses such as housing, food, taxes, and healthcare in a certain place and time period.

Southwark Council has produced this booklet (click on link) to highlight the support services that you can access to help with the new changes to the cost of living.

Please come and speak to a member of staff, if you are struggling and need help.

Cost of Living – Guide to Support in Southwark SCHOOLS