This term in year 1 we will be learning about Ourselves focusing on history, D&T and computing. The children will be coming home talking about their class experiences linking to our learning.


For Maths we will focus on Place Value and Number Bonds. We are going to learn about comparing numbers so please watch the video below with your child.

Science we are learning about Animals Including Humans. We will focus on learning and labelling body parts including our senses. As scientist we will make sure to look at fair testing.

PSHE is Being in my world which links closely to our topic led learning experiences. In RE we cover a variety of different faiths and cultures.

PE is Multi-Skills on a Thursday so the children can come into school with their PE uniform underneath their jumper.

Reading and Phonics – Make sure to read with your child everyday and sign their reading records. Encourage your child to segment (break up) words into their sound parts and blend them (push them back together) to read the whole word. Make it fun – Enjoy reading together. Give characters funny voices and engage with the pictures. Make a game out of finding words that rhyme or start with the same sound. Year-1-reading-with-your-child-parent-advice

Meet the Teacher PowerPoint is available below.

meet the teacher presentation sept 2022

Thank You

Year 1 Team

Having a Coffee Morning is the perfect chance to catch up over a cuppa and a slice of something delicious for a great cause.

One in two of us will face cancer, and the money you raise at the Coffee Morning will be donated to help everyone with cancer to live life as fully as they can.


UPDATE: We raised £82.72 for this cause – thank you to all who contributed

Dear Parents / Carers,


The children are settling in well and are getting used to our daily routines.

We had our first Little Wandle Phonics session today! Please practise the weekly sounds and have a look at the attached pronunciation guide. In addition to this, please remember to read with your child every day and use the reading diaries to write any comments.

In maths, we are focusing on numbers 1-10 and are singing counting rhymes like ‘Five Currant Buns’

Please see the attached Meet the Teacher PowerPoint from the other week and if you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to speak to us!

From Ms Begum and Mr Crick



Pronunciation_guide_Autumn_1 (1)


meet the teacher presentation sept 2022

Many children often need help with calming down from strong emotions. When children need help to calm down, help them to notice the emotion, name it, and pause.  Once they have calmed down, you can address their behaviour or problem-solve.  Learning to calm down is an important part of learning to understand and manage emotions.

These useful prompts, can help to support a child to regulate their emotions.

Good Afternoon All,

Just a quick message to say welcome to Columbia and Orion.

Staff Members:

Columbia –  Mrs. Campbell-Whitfield and Mrs. Onwumelu

Orion:  Ms. Cole, Ms. Sitch and Mrs. Baker

Orion meet the teacher presentation sept 2022 adapted

Columbia meet the teacher presentation sept 2022

Kind regards,

Mrs Campbell-Whitfield

Dear Parents and Carers,

The school will be closed on Monday the 19th of September as an addition bank holiday on the day of Queen Elizabeth’s funeral, as stated by his Majesty King Charles the Third.

On behalf of the Children, Staff and Governors of Oliver Goldsmith Primary School we would like to send our Sympathy and deepest respect to King Charles the third and the Royal Family on the passing of Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth the second.

With Kindest regards
Ms Murdoch and The Oliver Goldsmith Team

It’s been a great start to year 4 as we’ve been getting to know the children.

We have some exciting lessons planned this year – The Romans, Shang Dynasty, The United Kingdom, Anglo-Saxons and Vikings, Saving Planet Earth and Amazonia! Children will explore different aspects of history going across the globe.

To go with these are some exciting books – Queen of Darkness and Viking Boy by Tony Bradman, What a Waste by Jess French, Cloud Busting by Malorie Blackman, The Tin Forest by Helen Ward, The Promise by Nicola Davies just to name a few.

A few reminders for the Autumn term:

  • Swimming: Mondays (Pioneer class will aim to return to school for 3:30pm. Hubble class will be back in school for the usual pick up time of 3:15pm)
  • Homework out: Fridays
  • Homework back in: Tuesdays
  • Reading books changed on Tuesdays and Thursdays
  • Spelling test: Wednesdays
  • Times Tables test: Fridays
  • PE: Wednesdays

Our Learning Across the Curriculum (LAtC) topic for Autumn 1 is Through the Ages: The Romans. Have a look at our knowledge organiser below with some information related to the areas of learning in history.

Knowledge Organiser The Romans

We look forward to an exciting year ahead!

Best wishes from the Year 4 team (Ms Adenaike, Miss Garcia, Mrs Perry and Ms McEntee)

Parents/carers, it was great to meet many of you on Wednesday. Please see a reminder of the key messages below:

  • PE is on Friday (children are to bring correct PE kit [yellow top and dark bottoms] in a bag to be changed into before the lesson). Please ensure that children have correct black shoes on and that the trainers for the session are also in the bag.
  • Homework (including spellings) is given out on Friday to be handed in on Monday. Challenger spelling test= Monday. Discovery spelling test = Wednesday
  • Please see further information attached regarding the Year 6 tests that will happen in May. Year 6_ Parent support document
  • Please also see a letter about our end of year residential to PGL. Parents info initial letter

Looking forward to a great year ahead!

Ms Montague and Ms Maitland

I have attached the slides to my Welcome Presentation for you to read.