This half term we have been learning all about our Planet and the solar system.
The children have been fascinated to learn about astronauts, planets, stars and our wonderful planet; Earth!
We have also learned about how precious our planet is and how we can take care of it by recycling, reducing waste and reusing things. Please sned in any recycling boxes and containers that you don’t need so we can reuse them in school.
Next week we will be making musical instruments and castles out of junk modelling.

Next week we will teach the children all about the Queen. At the end of the week we are looking forward to having our own Jubilee celebration in the playground. Children will come in their own clothes on Friday and we would appreciate any food/drink contributions for the party.

We have been making some beautiful Easter hats and singing some Easter songs in the Early Years. We would love you to come and enjoy our Easter Bonnet Parade on the last day of Term – Friday 1st April at 1.30pm.
See you then!

This half term our topic is Traditional tales. We have been reading Jack and the beanstalk – planting beans so we can have our own beanstalks!
Our next story is The ugly duckling. The children will learn about being kind to others. They will learn about ducks too.
We will be going on a local trip to the park to look at a pond and the birds. Thursday 17th March – save the date! Parent volunteers are needed.
We are recapping the phase three sounds for phonics. Please continue to read daily with your child. It makes such a difference!
In Maths we are learning about numbers 9 and 10 – how they are are made up. We have also been learning about addition and subtraction. We will explore measures in the last two weeks before Easter.
We look forward to seeing you all for Parents evening on Tuesday 29th March.

This week we are learning the sounds zz, qu and sh.
Your child needs to recognise them on sight and will be reading a book which has some of these sounds in it so they can practice segmenting and blending words in a book.
This week we are learning all about the numbers 8 and 9. How many ways can you make the numbers 8 and 9?
The story of the week is The Jolly Christmas Postman. The children are making cards and writing letters.
We are continuing to practice the Nativity. I hope you have got your ticket to come and see the show on Wednesday next week.
Our class parties will be on Thursday 16th December – please provide an item of food or drink for the children to share.
Thank you for your continued support
The Reception team

We are learning the sounds x,y and z. The children are learning to segment and blend to read words with phase 2 sounds and the new phase three sounds.
Measuring time and composition of the numbers 7 and 8.
Every day we are singing the Nativity songs. Don’t forget to get your ticket for the Nativity on 15th December. There are very limited tickets – so don’t miss out. Sadly only 1 per family. Ask at the office for further details
This week we are learning about birds. We are exploring how to make our own bird feeders and making craft birds and nests. Lots of fun!
Due to the new variant of Covid we are pausing the reading sessions with parents on Thursday mornings.
Keep safe
The reception team

Welcome back! We hope you had a great rest over the half term break.
This week we are reading a book called “We’re going on a leaf hunt”. The children have been enjoying a range of Autumn activities such as leaf rubbing, nature walks, singing songs about Autumn and going on our first school trip to Lucas gardens on our own leaf hunt. We found some beautiful leaves!
In Phonics we are learning the sounds /h/ /b/ and /f/.
Check your bookbags for the homework to complete over the half term. Choose one activity a week. We can’t wait to see what your children have done at home.
Thank you
From the Reception team
Here is a link to the story

It has been a lovely half term and it was so good to meet with you all for the parents’ evening this week. The children are doing so well with their learning.
We are all looking forward to the half term break!
After half term can you please bring in a pair of wellies/boots for your child to wear outside?
With the colder weather we will continue to learn outside so make sure they have nice warm hats and gloves and coats too.
Our topic after the break is Changes. We will be looking at the changes in the seasons. Over the break encourage your child to notice the changes in nature and talk about it. Bring any nice leaves that may fall to the ground, or conkers and acorns too.
Have a restful and healthy half term
From the team in Reception

Hello! This week we are reading the book ‘Stella brings the family’.
In phonics we are learning these sounds: ck, e, u.
You can help your child by reading their book with them each night – supporting them to recognise the sounds in the words – segmenting and blending them.
In Maths we are learning about shapes and using positional language – such as under, over, next to, in front and behind. You can play games with toys getting them to follow your instructions putting them under/on etc.
It has been wonderful to see their Heritage boxes – the children have loved sharing them and seeing their classmates special boxes.
Remember that Thursday is Stay and Read from 8.45 – 9.15. It was lovely to see the children all enjoying books with their parents/carers last week.

Please stay and read in class with your child every Thursday morning. From 8.45 – 9.15
Looking forward to seeing you


This week the children are learning the sounds /m/  /d/  /g/
Can you find objects at home that start with those letter sounds?
Can you play eye spy with your child?
Please read the phonics book your child has in their book bag every day to help them learn to read.
Thank you for your help
If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to ask
Kind regards
Mrs Naylor and Mr Crick