This week in Year 5

The new year 5 classes have been working hard and producing excellent work. Children have been working on their Blast Off! Learning across the curriculum unit learning about space and what figurative writing techniques can be used to describe it.

All children have been given homework which is due on Tuesday, Homework will be set on Fridays and due in the following Tuesday every week. The expectation is that the LAC work in their red homework books be completed to a good standard, at least 30 minutes being spent on a task weekly.

Also children have been given banded books and reading records to complete tasks weekly, reading at home continues to be a very important part of developing skills for year 5 and 6.

This week PE was changed from Tuesday to Thursday however this was a one off to accommodate a year 6 school trip.



PE kits needs to be brought in but not worn on Tuesdays

Following the letter sent home early in the week children need to be in school uniform

School trip to Science museum next Friday (27/9/24)

Welcome to the Reception Blog!

First and foremost, a big thank you for those parents who attended Meet The Teacher. It was a pleasure meeting you all.

The children have been busy getting to know their learning environments and getting used to our weekly routines.

This is where we will be putting information, links for learning websites and photos of what your children have been doing in school.

Check back here each week for updates.

Please see below for some useful websites to support your child’s learning at home;



From the Reception team:

Miss Ellery, Mr Crick  and Mrs Carter.

Welcome back to a new school year and a new class! We have been very busy this week getting to know each other, as well as familiarising ourselves with the routines that will help us face the challenges of the year ahead . Some exciting lessons have been planned across the curriculum this term and near the end of the term we will be going on a very exciting science trip.


Learning Across the Curriculum

This term we will be travelling to east Africa to learn about the physical and human features of Kenya. We have already made a brilliant start to our learning journey by creating our own Kenyan necklaces and drawing some breath-taking pictures of the Kenyan savannahs. Our writing outcomes for this term will include a piece of information text about Kenya and a narrative set in Kenya.


In Maths, we will be building on our knowledge of place value to begin to recognise the place value of numbers up to 1,000. This knowledge will support our learning in other maths units throughout the year and help us to develop new strategies for adding and subtracting larger numbers.

For Science, we will be learning about the function of plants and why flowers are so important in the reproduction process. As part of this unit of learning, we will visit the South London Botanical Institute on Tuesday 15th October to take a closer look at the function of each part of a flowering plants.

Weekly Routines
Please remember that reading records should be signed every day and that books are changed on Tuesday and Thursday. If a child’s reading record is signed every day,  they may be selected by their teacher to receive a reading award during our weekly reading assembly.

Our P.E. lesson is every Monday and children are expected to arrive at school in their full school uniform and change for P.E. once at school.

Below is a copy of the curriculum homework for this term.

Curriculum homework- Kenya

Meet the Teacher
For those of you who were unable to attend our Meeting the Teacher open classroom, below is a copy of the power point of the key information shared.

Meet the teacher presentation Sept 2024

Finally, we would like to say, that we look forward to working in partnership with you in support of your child’s learning.

Year 3 Team

Dear parents and carers,

Please click here to access the latest newsletter.

Kind regards,

It has been so lovely to have the new nursery children join our school this September. We are excited and so happy to welcome them in and support their learning through play, singing, carpet sessions, indoor and outdoor activities. The children will be using this term to enhance their speaking/listening skills, turn taking and of course settle into their new classroom.

Please remember to bring in lots of spare clothes for your children and a water bottle. If you need assistance in getting any of these items, we are more than happy to help you.

Thank you,

The Nursery Team





FREE ESOL Classes for parents will start Wednesday 11th September 2024 at Oliver Goldsmith School.

Hope to see you all there.

This week in Year 5

The new year 5 classes have made a great start to their year, already completing great work enjoying being back in school. Children have learned the expectations in year 5 and quickly familiarised themselves with the class routines. Both classes created some cleverly mathematical art using tangrams and learned how to do effective reading at home.

All children have been given homework which is due on Tuesday the 10th, Homework will be set on Fridays and due in the following Tuesday every week.

Also children have been given banded books and reading records to complete tasks weekly, reading at home is a very important part of developing skills for year 5 and 6.



PE kits needs to be brought in but not worn on Tuesdays

Please have a look at this important flyer below.

A polite reminder that our Nursery opens every morning at 8.45am and finishes at 3pm.

Attendance leaflet 1

Welcome to the Nursery Blog

We hope you had a wonderful summer!

This is where we will be putting information, links for learning websites and photos of what your children have been doing in school.

Check back here each week for updates

From the Nursery team