It is a busy time in Year 4 at the moment as we have also been taking part in cricket lessons. Last week, everyone had fun practising their throwing and catching skills and playing a range of different games.


This week, Hubble class finished off their cooking lessons with the Flygerians at South London Gallery. We hope everyone at home enjoyed sampling the delicious food.

  We began the term setting new year resolutions! What are your goals for 2024?

We invite our nursery children to dress in their pyjamas on Wednesday, 6th March, as we celebrate World Book Day and discuss their favourite bedtime stories. It will be a fun-filled day with lots of arts and crafts activities centred around World Book Day.

Our nursery children are delighting in the experience of listening to captivating stories being read aloud, while also seizing the opportunity to independently access books from our library corner. Please help your child foster a love for reading by reading at home with them. Why not take your child to the local library and discuss what a library is?

Our nursery children are on an exciting journey of discovery as they learn to count to 10 and beyond, using the natural world around them, loose parts. as well as building blocks and Lego bricks. Please continue to help your child at home with their counting and recognising the numbers.

We thank you for your continued support.

Welcome back to Spring 1! We are diving into lessons about healthy eating and growth. This week, we’ve been immersed in the story of “Oliver’s Vegetables.” The children have been enjoying tasting various fruits, crafting their healthy eating plates, designing their own vegetables, role playing at a dental surgery and engaging in discussions about healthy and unhealthy foods during circle time.



Today we learnt all the countries in South America and then used coloured card to make the different flags.

This term we will be looking at South America. We looked at Brazilian culture and the students made carnival masks. Take a look!

This week, Year 4 were lucky enough to visit the SLG for some cooking lessons with local Nigerian street-food restaurant Flygerians.

They practised a range of cooking skills and got to bring home a portion of their delicious meal!