This week, Year 4 have been practising their cycling skills and earning certificates in their Bikeability lessons!

Family Learning Activities over the half-term


Family learning February 2024 (2)

Family learning February 2024 (2)

Nearly there…

Hi Parents of year 5,

Only 1 week left till yet another half term!

The children in year 5 have been enjoying learning about the Maya and their cultures. It has been a very interesting topic to discuss with the children as they were very intrigued by the Maya’s lifestyle and even more so the history behind the Spaniards coming to enslave them.

In math, the children have been learning to divide and use their number knowledge to improve the speed in which they divide 4 digit numbers by 2 digit numbers. It is essential the children continue to practise their times tables at home for a continued improvement in their accuracy.


Attached there are some activities some of you may like to attend from the community! Family learning February 2024 (2)

We hope you have a lovely weekend!

All the best,

Year 5 Team 🙂

Please take a look at this poster to find out more about free family activities this Half Term break.

Art Block is a free space based on Sceaux Gardens Estate for local children and families to make things, be creative, and play 🎨

Each year, children have a chance to work with artists to transform Art Block into a fun, welcoming and creative space for everyone to enjoy.

Please click on the link for more information

All the children have settled in incredibly well and we have had a great few weeks back. We have some exciting topics this half term and the children are really excited  about them.


We will be learning about the physical and some of the human features of Asia.  Over the weeks, the children have practised using atlases to locating some of Asia’s more well known physical features and learning incredible facts about them.  Why not test your child on what they have learnt so far.


In writing, children will be writing traditional tales which have been told in Asia and a persuasive brochure about Asia.  Look out for some of the finished brochures in our blog later this term.  Hopefully after reading them they may persuade you to visit this incredible continent.


We will be learning about multiplication and division fact  and using them to help them multiply and divide two digit number by one digit numbers beyond 12.  It is very important that you continue to encourage your children to practise their addition and subtraction fact to 20 as well as their 5, 10, 2 in addition to their new learning.


P.E. will now take place every Tuesday.  Please ensure that your child has their full P.E. kit on that day.


For science this half term, we have been learning about the importance of light, how shadows are formed and the importance of sun safety.  As part of this unit we will be investigating patterns related to the size and shape of shadows.


Finally, a quick reminder about reading.  Children’s books are changed every Tuesday and Friday.  Please could you ensure that your child reads every day and that their reading records are signed.